Sunday, September 30, 2012

A sure-fire way to stick to your diet

get a kitten.

This is Rocky.

He's only asleep about 6 minutes a day. The rest of the time is spent jumping, running and pouncing. And chewing, lots of chewing. I don't have the energy to be tempted by a plate of brownies.

On October 12 I have my follow up visit with Dr Gerber. I'm going to have a glucose test, then meet with him to discuss the results. I'm looking forward to getting his recommendations. I'm still sticking with the Wheat Belly diet, eating lots of fat with protein. For breakfast I had a couple eggs with strawberries and heavy cream. I love eating this way, I hope my test results support it.

The day after I meet with Dr Gerber, I'm doing a 24 hour race in Denver. I'll be walking all of it, I'm not sure what my goal will be. I do know I'll be doing it without carb loading!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I haven't been a couch potato

Knee problems won't stop me!

Actually my knee is feeling fine. I'll never take my knees for granted again. It feels terrific to get up and down and run and jump without fear that it would give out. 

In August Bob and I hiked down the Bright Angel trail at the Grand Canyon. 

Before we began the hike I ate bacon and eggs. During the 6 hours it took to get to the bottom, I had nuts and some pureed baby food (sweet potato and bananas rock!).

We stayed overnight at the bottom of the Canyon Phantom Ranch. Dinner was family style. I avoided the cornbread and cake and ate steak and salad.

The next morning, after another breakfast of bacon and eggs, we began the hike back up.

Getting back up took about 7 hours, overall I felt good.

When we reached the top, I took a bird bath in the ladies restroom sink. Then we jumped in the car and drove to Las Vegas.

Why Las Vegas? First because Las Vegas is fun! Second, because I had to complete a 12 hour race THE NEXT DAY! That's right, hiking for 2 days wasn't enough, I had to also walk for 12 hours. 

Sometimes I don't make the best choices.

I had already signed up so there was no backing out. The race was from 7pm to 7am. Here I am conserving my energy before the race..

I got lots of miles to go..

Fast forward to 10.5 hours later. I completed about 29 miles and threw in the towel. My legs felt ok, the problem was my big toenails. I had bruised them in the Canyon, it was becoming very painful to continue. 

I was happy with my effort. I was especially happy to have stuck to my wheat-free diet.

Next month...a 24 hr race! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I had my bloodwork done

and just got back the results. Here are some of the numbers...

TRIGLYCERIDES         38mg  (I'm eating lots of fat but it's not staying in my blood)
HDL CHOLESTEROL  113mg (this high number should prevent me from having a stroke)
GLUCOSE  85mg (low risk of diabetes)
HEMOGLOBIN A1c   4.9% of total Hgb
BMI  23.5  (normal!)

The Wheat Belly way of eating is working! I'm tickled pink!

I gave up grains on Memorial Day and sugar on the 4th of July. For 30 days in August, I was strict Paleo. I'm glad I completed a Paleo challenge but it's nice to be eating cheese again. And the occasional glass of wine!

Since my last blog post I've hiked the Grand Canyon and completed a 12 hour race. I know my body is fat adapted because I didn't need to consume carbs for energy. I'll write about it in detail in my next post.

Here I am during the 12 hour race, jumping for joy for my wheat-free life!